The Bitterness Trilogy Wiki

WARNING: This Wiki contains stories that are at least PG, if not higher. Proceed with caution.

The Bitterness of Phineas Flynn
The Bitterness of Candace Flynn
The Bitterness of the Empire
Tears of Bitterness

The Bitterness of Phineas Flynn

If your brother died, would you avenge him or focus on what's right?

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The Bitterness of Candace Flynn

With your sister on the side of evil, would you be able to keep resisting?

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The Bitterness of the Empire

When things really start to heat up, will the Resistance survive?

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Tears of Bitterness

Cover yourself in the mystery of this brand new series...

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The Bitterness of Phineas Flynn
The Bitterness of Candace Flynn
The Bitterness of the Empire
Tears of Bitterness

Welcome to the The Bitterness Trilogy Wiki![]

This is a Wiki about a Phineas and Ferb fanfiction saga that begins with a trilogy known as The Bitterness Trilogy. It is about alternate versions of the characters, so you can expect them to be completely different than you're used to!

Please read the policy and be sure to follow the rules.

We Need Your Help![]

I am going to need help with this Wiki. If you are not a spammer or vandal, feel free to join!

If you're a TBT fan, and know enough info, please help with these articles!

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Now that the last book of TBT has been finished, the articles need lots of updating. Some help would be greatly appreciated.

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